Thursday 9 November 2017

Music Video prep

aspects of them (see below).
To prepare for the exam, today we look at the media language of music videos, such as their codes and conventions:

  1. Performance - the singer / band are seen to be playing, to provide authenticity, so that followers believe in the talent and can see their star. Record labels sign stars and promote them  to ensure sales. Avril Lavigne lip sinks and pretends to play guitar to seem really talented so people would want to by the album. Also she lips sinks and makes it look like she is throwing a free concert it makes you feel like you are there and when she comes close to the camera it makes you feel like she is staring at you.
  1. Star - use of close-ups, sometimes direct eye contact with audience, to build relationship with audience. This can make us feel like the song could be directed towards us and makes us feel a personal connection and it makes the singer seem like someone who cares for there fans.It can also feel like they are singing directly to you.
  2. The visuals (what the star and other characters are seen doing) illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics (the 'story in the words'). Illustration = the visuals play out the story more or less literally; amplify = the words in the lyrics are only the starting point and the story develops in other directions; contradiction / disjuncture = the visuals do not interpret the words of the lyrics and may even show something contradictory. At the start of Sk8r Boi when Avril sings Hes just a boy and shes just a girl it cuts to what we assume to be skater boy and ballay girl. Also when the beat gets more faster at the end every one is jumping and dancing around manickly and at the start when the beat is slower it shows one or two people running around per shot. I think this is good because it makes the music video moe fun to watch because it is in time with the music
  3. The narrative usually features the performer in 'real life' situations but often with experimental types of film making such as hand-held, dramatic camera angles, symbolic codes and lighting
  4. The visuals are usually cut to the beat of the music; the editing is often fast-paced; there is often use of montage, ellipsis and intercutting, stylish effects
  5. Refrain - repeated chorus, sometimes with variations
  6. Intertextuality - references to other media, films, performances, events

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