Thursday 2 November 2017

Mise En scene

Mise En Scene is used in Cuffs, one example is at the start the Police captain is talking to all the other police and he is placed on a podium to make him higher then all the other People in the room. This shows he is higher in status then everybody else.

Also when they find the guy with the knife in his house there are bottles all over the floor. This shows he is an alcoholic and that his life isn't that great because his house is a mess and he must be quite low to not care about it.

Also when it shows the inside of the police office it shows what peoples work are because of the clothes they wear, for example youcan tell the office workers because they where suits.


  1. I am giving you a referral for failure to do your media homework on time. We have discussed this and you have also discussed this with Mrs Gierhardt. It is unacceptable to post your homework seconds before the start of the lesson. It must be done on the night set to allow time for me to check and mark.

  2. mark 1 and a half out of 5
    You only make one point about the superintendent whereas in class we identified at least 5 things that could be analysed about the scene: uniforms, setting, lectern, white gloves, other officers and so on and how these constructed a formal, impressive and respectful ambiance.
    In the second example, you need to specify ALL the items on the set that construct the alcoholic's life 'as a mess'. You need to refer to his unkempt physical appearance, signs of drug abuse, trembling, the knife he is wielding and so on.
    While it is good to offer a third example (police uniforms and so on), it is better to complete 2 good pieces of analysis first. Please RE-DO this IN STUDY GROUP on Monday next.


Clash cover Prep

PREP  Write freely about the house style of  Clash  music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians ar...