Wednesday 27 February 2019

Clash cover Prep

PREP Write freely about the house style of Clash music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians are represented, layout, font, colour and so on.

The cover of clash to me seems very artistic and out there. It follows a more modernist design as it is very simple and all the text is white and sans serif showing its basic. The covers seem to be mainly close ups on the face and they use colours on the face to connote what they are representing. For example one cover the artist has a gold and purple glow on his face showing lust. The cover line to this says 'Devil May Care' this may show he is a bad boy. 
Some covers cover the artists face or make it hard to see them for example the Madeline Manson one is a closeup but his faced is blurred. I feel as if this it to show his crazy side as he seems to be quite mental. Another example is the cover with who i assume to be the front man of the 1975 has his faced covered by  white block cutting out part of the cover.
Another thing to note which shows the house style is that there is either only one cover lines or none. This helps us focus on the main splash and also reflects modernism.

Thursday 7 February 2019

Lego Movie AD break

The Lego movie ad breaks gets adverts for popular companies like and BT. By doing this they bring more enjoyment to the advert and make it kind of humorous as we have all probably seen these adverts and it is quite humorous to see them again made of children toys. By doing this it helps stick the the viewers mind which may make them want to go see the lego movie. It is quite clever as it is basically two advertisements in one. The target age group i feel is a range of twelve plus as the adverts would been seen around time that shows such as the simpons would play with people from twelve up can all enjoy and as it is lego the companies would want younger audiences to see it as they are more likley to enjoy lego. They also make the ads completley identicle to represent real life to show the lego movie is like a real life thing.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Question 8: Analyse the use of media language to create meaning in the online Observer home page. Give two examples.

One way the observer gives meaning is that its colours connote seriousness. This appeals to a more sophisticated audience. The colours are navy and blue and burgundy, which are darker serious colours unlike magazines like we heart pop which has illumines colours like pink which will appeal to a younger audience.
Another example is that all the articles are political and serious which will appeal to an older audience because kids wont want to read about politics. Brexit is a very common topic which the majority of sophisticated audiences will want to read about so when they see brexit topic they will want to read this newspaper

Music video Qs

This video is documentary style mostly hand-held camerawork, de-saturated colour and fast-paced editing.SB
This video has saturated colour, more controlled camerawork, slower-paced editing. TD
This video consists of mostly montage shots. TD
This video has more developed editing with cause and effect. BOTH
In this video, the singer values rebellion, which is seen in the narrative. SB
In this video, the singer values 'fitting in', conformity, albeit to an oppressive system, which is seen in the narrative.TB
This video is set in LA, a big city, with its connotations of street credibility.SB
The mise-en-scene of this video is American suburbia with its connotations of conformity. TB
This video is intertextual in its narrative (=it makes references to high school drama).TB
In this video, the singer performs to camera. SB
In this video, real locations and 'everyday' costume for the performers connote a sense of naturalism. BOTH
In this video, there is a sense of linear narrative (a story is told, in the order it unfolds). TB
I am posting the next 2 preps to help you plan.
FRIDAY 25 JANUARY PREP YEAR 11C Refer to Extract 1 in the insert. Analyse the representation of Jamaican Reggae music and
musicians such as Bob Marley in this MOJO front cover. (5 marks)

One way the extract represents jamcain music is becuase the main splashes cover lines the jamaican flag covers which represents the reagge music. Also the other cover lines seem all worn out as reagge music is old and it represents its age and that its worn out. Another way the magazine represents jemaican music is that part of the front splash cover line says "from gang wars to one love" this shows that jamaica can be quite a violant place but reagge and bob marley bought people togehter and helped stop the violance.

Cuffs gender Q

In the avengers the characters represent the views upon gender in the 1960s to make the audience relate with the show. Firstly, they make Peel a strong female character who is smart, sophisticated and athletic. Women will want to watch as they may want to look up to a woman like this as there weren’t a ton of strong female role models in television in the 60s. We can tell she is smart and strong because when Stead goes to peels place she is fencing and the two have a fencing match and it seems like equal odds but in the end Stead wins as male are still seen as always the stronger and the leaders. Peel also says she has written an article for a science magazine which shows she is intelligent. Also to show her strong stance she does every so often stand up to Stead but in the end stead always gets the finale word.
The show still is not completely fair for Peel as her character is seemed to be sexualised as she is wearing a tight fitting outfit which outlines her body and is made to look very attractive. This is to help get a male audience as she is something nice to look at. Also she is kidnapped and has to be saved which is also an outdated stereotype now but was seen to be ok back in the 60s.

Observer Q homework

1.  The major use of newspapers is to offer a sense of knowing
what is going on in the world. The Observer knows that its readers are serious and interested in international affairs. This is evident in hard news articles about Politics (mainly brexit) issues in the world and crimes.
2. The Observer meets its audience's need for a range of cultural, sporting and artistic news. It provides these with different sections of the paper dedicated to each topic.
3. The Observer does not shy away from 'difficult' issues that could make uncomfortable reading, such as murders, kidnappings and immigration.
4.  The Observer has sections which are designed to appeal to
different types of readers. The Observer reflects the diversity of its readership in articles on politics, sports, current affairs and cultural topics.
5.  Newspaper readership can still be used as a symbol of one’s
social identity. The term ‘Guardian reader’ connotes a certain
type of social attitude and The Observer similarly reinforces
a set of social and political attitudes, and thus identity, in its
representations. For example, Observer readers like to think
of themselves as open-minded and this is reflected in the
Observer’s practice of allowing both sides of an argument
equally to be put when the newspaper is clearly on one side
of this argument. There is an example of this in topics on politics
6.  The entertainment function of newspapers may take the
 form of humour.  It may take the form of diversion into
a celebrity world of ‘glamour’. It may take the form of human
interest stories in which readers are invited to sympathise with
the subjects of the article. Newspapers further offer games,
puzzles, crosswords and the like. At the higher end, sections
such as the New Review in the Observer may offer the pleasure
of extremely well-written think pieces and literature reviews. An example of this is

Clash cover Prep

PREP  Write freely about the house style of  Clash  music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians ar...