Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Image result for hollyoaks screenshotsImage result for hollyoaks screenshots

You can see by there expression theres been drama and they are making up

Image result for hollyoaks screenshotsImage result for hollyoaks screenshots

In this you can see the women knows something about the man that is bad and she is obviously disapointed
Image result for hollyoaks scenes

In this you can tell theres been a dsipute and the other characters are shocked
Image result for hollyoaks scenes

In this image you can see people are making up for something they have done and one of them is obviusoly sad

1 comment:

  1. Grade B
    You show understanding of how to read the images but the task was more about illustrating genre conventions, such as establishing shot, location, protagonists, conflict etc.


Clash cover Prep

PREP  Write freely about the house style of  Clash  music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians ar...