Friday, 1 December 2017

Mojo David Bowie Cover

In the Magazine David Bowie is the main splash, He is standing symmetrical. The Title for him doesn't mention his first name because he is so iconic. The magazine also says "Untold and Unseen" which could bait people in to reading it because the magazine could reveal some secrets.
He also Covers the magazine title because we all know what it says it doesn't matter he is covering one letter.

Also theirs a little spiky bubble which says 145 interviews. This could make people want to read because there are a lot of story's in the magazine. There is also a section on the left side which says farewell and says some names and if you dont know who they are you might want to read so you find out if they died or something ruined there careers.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 1 out of 5
    1. Comment on Bowie as the centre of visual interest (not image)
    2. You need to make much more of the seriousness / reverence with which MOJO treats rock stars, esp words that position them as legends on quests. Note the 'arise' and explain it
    The last revision lesson should help. Here is the url
    3. Comment on the other musicians represented


Clash cover Prep

PREP  Write freely about the house style of  Clash  music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians ar...