Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Why a film company would make a game

A film company would make a game because it could help advertise to more people like gamer. This could also help companys appeal to older audiences becuase teens usually play games it could also get younger kids to play games and if the film comapny releases more games the kids may want to play those other games.
Also they may want to make a video game to increase sales, not only do they sell there movie and probabaly merchindise they also get sales from the game and games are usaully around forty quid so they can make a good amount of money. Also they could make more by adding microtranzactions to get more money for the company 

Lego movie genre codes

The first thing that stands out about the Lego movie poster Is the title because it is made of Lego it looks unique and attractive. Also people will notice that massive buildings in the background of the poster which is pleasing for the eyes to look at. Also there’s a bunch of famous Lego characters which could make older people want to see it because it could be nostalgic to them. Also behind them is the bad guy who is looming over them to show he is the bad guy, you can also tell he’s the bad guy because of his colour scheme which is red black and grey and they are all dark colours. Also the caption says “The story of a nobody who saved everybody” this could appeal people because they can relate to an ordinary guy and people like to see people like themselves portrayed as heros.

Filming PG horror movie

Today we started filming a PG horror movie. My group is Seb, Natahn, Sam and me. Our movie is called the circle game and the prop we used is the ivary letter opener. We first did a 360 shot of the circle part of the tunnel and showed Seb and Nathan as like cult members. After that we had a few shots of me standing still back to the camera but every so often i would get closer. We started filming the scene where sam sees me and i do the circle but we ran out of time. Next lesson we will hopefully continue this because it was very fun and enjoyable

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Exam news questions

Firstly the news page makes the more contreversial topics eye catching by making the articles bigger and making the title of the article quite baiting by saying something and you want to know what happened. Also the more contreversial topics have pictures. Some pictures are quite recognisable to being attached to controversial topics for example a pivture of Donald Trump would pull people in because we never know what hes going to do next.

Also the news page is appealing to everyone because they are quite independent so they show both sides of the argument so everyone can read it without getting mad at the opinion because both sides are supported. For example it could say something bad about a politician saying he lied or something but then also say he raised money for a school. Also there usually alot of celebs on the front page so people who are fans of the celebs will get pulled into the paper

Clash cover Prep

PREP  Write freely about the house style of  Clash  music magazine. Your focus is on 'media language', that is, how the musicians ar...